BookMarks. More like Boo Mark



Today we will check some links connected with bookmarks! Personally I don't use such services in 2017, because most Browers have option to save Bookmarks. But if you are using more then 1 device and you need to get acess to them, You can use sites given below.
It is a Russian article giving  information about Bookmarks in 2008, there is even Bookmark services compare table.
Story about man who changed his Bookmark service. At first he used  . So called ''delicious'' and after some time the author got tired of it. Found a better one . That service allows to unite Bookmarks into bundles and has sweet design. You can also install it as Extension on every Browser and even on your mobile phone (IOS+Android).
With a help of Dijjo you can:
A) Collect
Save and tag your online resources for easy access anytime, anywhere.
B) Annotate
Annotate web pages and PDF's directly as you browse online.
C) Organize
Organize your links, references and personal input to create a structured research base through Outliner.
D) Share
Share your research with friends, classmates, colleagues or associates

 This link will tell us about Visual Bookmarks, that mean that you can preview your bookmark.
The 1st example of visual Bookmarks. Has sweet design and easy to use.
You can create infinite number of Bookmarks
20 backgrounds
You can upload Bookmarks on other device
No  mobile version

As result of all the researches I concluded that most of the bookmark sites are useless, because today we can add bookmarks into our browsers either on pc or mobile phone.


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